Loano Christmas – Villaggio di Natale
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You can reach Loano easily by plane via the airports of Villanova d’Albenga (8 km), Genoa (90 km) and Milan Malpensa (256 km); by train at Loano station on the Genoa-Ventimiglia line; or by car via the A10 motorway and State Road 1.
Stay updated on the weather in Loano to better plan your activities. Consult the forecast in advance to enjoy the beauty of our town to the fullest.
Discover all the options to reach Loano comfortably.
Plan your trip and get to Loano without worries!
Find all the information you need for your stay in Loano.
Plan your visit easily and enjoy all that Loano has to offer.
Explore Loano through markets and fairs. Discover local products, handicrafts, and gastronomic specialities. An unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Quickly find pharmacies and parapharmacies in Loano for all your health needs. Consult the complete list with addresses, opening hours and contacts for quick and easy access to the services you need during your stay.
Also for 2024, the Fee Blue Flag will fly over the beaches of the Loano coastline and Marina di Loano.
Hospitality: this is the watchword of Loano, its beaches and its accommodation facilities, which are suitable and equipped to welcome even tourists with disabilities.
Experience unforgettable moments in Loano with activities for the whole family, sports and outdoor adventures, and cultural discoveries. Here you will find everything to make your stay special.
Whether you are an athlete looking for the ideal place in which to carry out your preparation for major competitions, an enthusiast who does not want to give up his passion or an amateur who wants to keep fit, Loano is and has everything for you.
We are committed to offering you everything you need to enjoy a holiday with your family, in relaxation, companionship and serenity.
Explore Loano’s rich spiritual tradition through its historic churches, sanctuaries and religious events.
For a long time, the growth of Loano was closely linked to the activities of shipyards, fishermen, sailors.
Since the 13th century, Loano has been an imperial fief of the Doria family of Genoa. Thanks to this illustrious family, which built the castle and created grandiose public monuments, today the town boasts a monumental heritage of considerable historical and cultural interest.
Enjoy the sea, beaches and hills in Loano and discover nearby attractions such as ‘Le Caravelle’ water park in Ceriale and ‘La città dei Bambini’ at the Acquario di Genova. Explore the historic centres of Albenga and Toirano, or visit the Glass Museum in Altare and the Tower Clock Museum in Bardino Nuovo.
You can reach Loano easily by plane via the airports of Villanova d’Albenga (8 km), Genoa (90 km) and Milan Malpensa (256 km); by train at Loano station on the Genoa-Ventimiglia line; or by car via the A10 motorway and State Road 1.
Stay updated on the weather in Loano to better plan your activities. Consult the forecast in advance to enjoy the beauty of our town to the fullest.
Discover all the options to reach Loano comfortably.
Plan your trip and get to Loano without worries!
Find all the information you need for your stay in Loano.
Plan your visit easily and enjoy all that Loano has to offer.
Explore Loano through markets and fairs. Discover local products, handicrafts, and gastronomic specialities. An unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Quickly find pharmacies and parapharmacies in Loano for all your health needs. Consult the complete list with addresses, opening hours and contacts for quick and easy access to the services you need during your stay.
Also for 2024, the Fee Blue Flag will fly over the beaches of the Loano coastline and Marina di Loano.
Hospitality: this is the watchword of Loano, its beaches and its accommodation facilities, which are suitable and equipped to welcome even tourists with disabilities.
Experience unforgettable moments in Loano with activities for the whole family, sports and outdoor adventures, and cultural discoveries. Here you will find everything to make your stay special.
Whether you are an athlete looking for the ideal place in which to carry out your preparation for major competitions, an enthusiast who does not want to give up his passion or an amateur who wants to keep fit, Loano is and has everything for you.
We are committed to offering you everything you need to enjoy a holiday with your family, in relaxation, companionship and serenity.
Explore Loano’s rich spiritual tradition through its historic churches, sanctuaries and religious events.
For a long time, the growth of Loano was closely linked to the activities of shipyards, fishermen, sailors.
Since the 13th century, Loano has been an imperial fief of the Doria family of Genoa. Thanks to this illustrious family, which built the castle and created grandiose public monuments, today the town boasts a monumental heritage of considerable historical and cultural interest.
Enjoy the sea, beaches and hills in Loano and discover nearby attractions such as ‘Le Caravelle’ water park in Ceriale and ‘La città dei Bambini’ at the Acquario di Genova. Explore the historic centres of Albenga and Toirano, or visit the Glass Museum in Altare and the Tower Clock Museum in Bardino Nuovo.
You can reach Loano easily by plane via the airports of Villanova d’Albenga (8 km), Genoa (90 km) and Milan Malpensa (256 km); by train at Loano station on the Genoa-Ventimiglia line; or by car via the A10 motorway and State Road 1.
Stay updated on the weather in Loano to better plan your activities. Consult the forecast in advance to enjoy the beauty of our town to the fullest.
Discover all the options to reach Loano comfortably.
Plan your trip and get to Loano without worries!
Find all the information you need for your stay in Loano.
Plan your visit easily and enjoy all that Loano has to offer.
Explore Loano through markets and fairs. Discover local products, handicrafts, and gastronomic specialities. An unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Quickly find pharmacies and parapharmacies in Loano for all your health needs. Consult the complete list with addresses, opening hours and contacts for quick and easy access to the services you need during your stay.
Also for 2024, the Fee Blue Flag will fly over the beaches of the Loano coastline and Marina di Loano.
Hospitality: this is the watchword of Loano, its beaches and its accommodation facilities, which are suitable and equipped to welcome even tourists with disabilities.
Experience unforgettable moments in Loano with activities for the whole family, sports and outdoor adventures, and cultural discoveries. Here you will find everything to make your stay special.
Whether you are an athlete looking for the ideal place in which to carry out your preparation for major competitions, an enthusiast who does not want to give up his passion or an amateur who wants to keep fit, Loano is and has everything for you.
We are committed to offering you everything you need to enjoy a holiday with your family, in relaxation, companionship and serenity.
Explore Loano’s rich spiritual tradition through its historic churches, sanctuaries and religious events.
For a long time, the growth of Loano was closely linked to the activities of shipyards, fishermen, sailors.
Since the 13th century, Loano has been an imperial fief of the Doria family of Genoa. Thanks to this illustrious family, which built the castle and created grandiose public monuments, today the town boasts a monumental heritage of considerable historical and cultural interest.
Enjoy the sea, beaches and hills in Loano and discover nearby attractions such as ‘Le Caravelle’ water park in Ceriale and ‘La città dei Bambini’ at the Acquario di Genova. Explore the historic centres of Albenga and Toirano, or visit the Glass Museum in Altare and the Tower Clock Museum in Bardino Nuovo.
Per essere sempre aggiornati su tutte le novità è possibile seguire la pagina Facebook “Loano Christmas”
L'obiettivo di “Loano non solo mare” è promuovere la pratica escursionistica come occasione di socializzazione, benessere personale, conoscenza e valorizzazione del territorio
L’ingresso sarà consentito solo a chi si presenterà con una scatoletta o con dei croccantini per gatti
La mostra sarà visitabile negli orari di apertura degli uffici comunali
L'obiettivo di “Loano non solo mare” è promuovere la pratica escursionistica come occasione di socializzazione, benessere personale, conoscenza e valorizzazione del territorio
I fondi raccolti andranno a sostenere le attività della Associazione Italiana contro Leucemie, Linfomi e Mieloma onlus
Loano darà ufficialmente il via alle celebrazioni delle festività natalizie
L'incontro sarà condotto da Graziella Frasca Gallo (la gieffegi della Gazzetta di Loano)
La pista sarà aperta dall'8 dicembre 2019 al 6 gennaio 2020 dalle 10 alle 20 e, durante le feste, anche in orario serale
Per informazioni e iscrizioni è possibile contattare il numero 345.45.44.512 in orario d'ufficio oppure inviare una mail a o visitare il sito
L'obiettivo di “Loano non solo mare” è promuovere la pratica escursionistica come occasione di socializzazione, benessere personale, conoscenza e valorizzazione del territorio
Durante lo svolgimento del flash-mob via Silvio Amico verrà chiusura sul lato a monte (nel tratto di immissione nell'incrocio) e verrà istituto un senso unico alternato in via Enrico Toti
L'incontro sarà condotto da Graziella Frasca Gallo (la gieffegi della Gazzetta di Loano)
L'obiettivo di “Loano non solo mare” è promuovere la pratica escursionistica come occasione di socializzazione, benessere personale, conoscenza e valorizzazione del territorio
La partecipazione ha un costo di 5.50 euro. Prenotazione obbligatoria al numero 329.1916432
Un piccolo “antipasto” al concerto di Natale in programma a partire dalle 21 al mercatino di Natale dei Giardini San Josemaria Escrivà
La partecipazione ha un costo di 10 euro. A tutti i partecipanti verranno consegnati in omaggio una t-shirt e un berretto da Babbo Natale
L'incontro sarà condotto da Graziella Frasca Gallo (la gieffegi della Gazzetta di Loano)
Le offerte raccolte saranno destinate all'ospedale pediatrico Gaslini di Genova
Mantiene elementi di continuità con il Premio Nazionale Città di Loano per la musica tradizionale italiana
E' organizzato da Ascom Loano con il patrocinio del Comune di Loano
Le iscrizioni si apriranno alle 10 mentre il tuffo è previsto per le 11 circa
La manifestazione gode del patrocinio dell'assessorato a turismo, cultura e sport del Comune di Loano
Quest'anno il ricavato sarà devoluto a favore di tre amici del territorio: Samuele Manfredi, Carlo Galiano e Daniela Rizzuto
In caso di preannunciato maltempo gli organizzatori decideranno il giorno 30 dicembre l'eventualità di spostare l'evento all'interno del palazzetto dello sport cittadino
E' una performance di lettura teatralizzata basata su “Il Giovane Holden” a cento anni dalla nascita del suo autore J.D. Salinger
{:it}Sabato 4 gennaio 2020 alle 21 nel salone della parrocchia di San Pio X in via Bergamo a Loano andrà in scenal o spettacolo teatrale “Sale d'attesa - Tre donne […]