Events and parties to enjoy with the family

Loano is a city on the Ligurian Riviera with the most beautiful events to experience with the family.
Thanks to the commitment of the Municipality, commercial activities and local associations, every day of the year there is at least one good reason to “live” Loano and its beauties. Dozens of events for all ages to have fun and spend moments of joy and happiness together with your loved ones. From the largest and most spectacular carnival in Liguria to the village that will let you touch the atmosphere and magic of Christmas, passing through the “white night” and the “witches’ party”, in Loano you will always find a way to make your holiday special and unforgettable.

In January and February, for five weeks, CarnevaLöa is held in Loano, the largest and oldest carnival in Liguria. The event is opened by the mayor’s “handover of the keys” ceremony to the official masks of the Loano carnival. The ceremony is attended by groups and masks from all over Italy, who parade in the historical centre. There are two weekends dedicated to the “Children’s Carnival”, entirely designed to the little ones. The highlight of CarnevaLöa are the two allegorical float parades along the promenade. The floats made by the artisans of the carnival of Loano and of many nearby municipalities participate in the “Palio dei Borghi” and the “Palio dei Comuni”. Each float is inspired by cartoons, current events and satire and are real papier-mâché works of art. Dozens of masks and associations from all over Liguria take part in the parades. CarnevaLöa and its allegorical floats then return at the end of July in a summer version.
LOA (Loano in the Loanese dialect) Reads Everywhere

Every second week of May in Loano there is a large event entirely dedicated to reading. For three days, the city is enlivened by book presentations, reading aloud, animation, poetry, performances for children and adults.
Renaissance festival

In the first week of June, the festival that celebrates “The return of the Dorias” and the proclamation of the free county of Loano in 1575, takes place. In addition to being a historical re-enactment that aims to reconstruct what happened on 2 July 1575, the Doria princes and the oath of the Loanese community, the event is an opportunity to animate the historic center and the seafront with moments of historical-themed entertainment that involve tourists and residents in a real journey through the centuries. A great show in the manner of the kings of the late Renaissance and which involves the whole city center with entertainment, shows, performances of medieval and renaissance folk music, juggling and jestering, magic and fakirism, games and craft stalls.
“Sleepless” night

In the third week of June takes place the “Notte in Bianco”, a long fun marathon that involves the entire city. The shops and clubs remain open until late in the evening and offer delicious street-food and, throughout the day, many shopping opportunities thanks to the “desbarassu” an extraordinary sale at discounted prices. The great protagonist is music, with dozens of concerts and performances by cover bands, rock and jazz groups in different parts of the city. Finally, in Piazza Italia there is always an unmissable free concert with nationally famous music artists.
Feast of the Basure (Witches)

Every 13th of August the “Festa delle Basüe” is held, i.e. which excites the whole city. Dozens of amateur actors revive the era of witch hunts which raged in Europe for some centuries and which saw many women persecuted because they were suspected of carrying out evil spells. Skilled jugglers recreate the atmosphere of the “fiery sabbath” held in Piazza Italia. The rolling of the drums announces the trial and the sentence for witchcraft: the witch, chained and placed in a cage, is led to the stake by the austere Torquemada (Spanish religious, first Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition) with his retinue of armigers, inquisitors, nobles and commoners. The procession, which crosses the streets of the centre, is followed by an imaginative carousel of characters on stilts and groups of witches. Alongside the street artists, the protagonists of the historic parade are tourists and residents of all ages, who have the opportunity to rent and wear costumes and thus transform themselves into witches, wizards and little devils.
Christmas Magic Village

During the Christmas period, from the first week of December to the first week of January, the “Villaggio Magie di Natale” is located in the Josemaria Escrivà Gardens, a Christmas market whose atmosphere will immediately transport you to northern Europe. Illuminated by magical handmade decorations, the houses offer many gift ideas such as handmade Christmas items, nativity scenes, candles, collectible toys, souvenir photos and personalized calendars with Santa Claus, bijoux, objects, games and local products. Without forgetting the delicacies of street-food. Santa Claus is waiting for the children in his cozy little house to take a picture with them and to collect the Christmas letters. In the afternoon, many musical events and entertainment for the little ones.