Loano obtains the tenth blue flag for the beaches. Rewarded also Marina di Loano

Also this year the Blue Flag is waving on the beaches of Loano, the international recognition that Fee (Foundation for Environmental Education) gives to coastal resorts that meet certain criteria from the point of view of the quality of the waters and the services offered.
The Blue Flag was established in 1987, the European year for the environment. It is awarded every year to 48 countries around the world that respect criteria relating to sustainable land management. The campaign is run in various countries by the Fee. The parameters according to which the Blue Flag is awarded are many: the quality of bathing water, the purification of waste water, environmental certification, waste management, accessibility to the beaches, education and environmental communication and sustainability initiatives.
The mayor Luigi Pignocca says: “For the tenth consecutive year the beaches of Loano are confirmed among the best in Europe. The Fee has again rewarded the quality of our bathing water and the excellence of the services offered by our bathing facilities. Having once again obtained the Blue Flag certifies the good quality of the initiatives that our administration has put in place to improve the impact that anthropic activities have on the marine environment and the success of the awareness campaigns aimed at residents and tourists. The Blue Flag is a recognition internationally known and this means that people who choose Loano as their holiday destination will immediately know that our coast offers high quality standards for sea water and beach resorts offer first-rate services”.
Not only the beaches of Loano have been awarded the Blue Flag. For the seventh year, in fact, Marina di Loano has also been awarded the Fee for tourist landing places.
As for ports, the Blue Flag is awarded every year on the basis of different criteria: the waters of the port and those facing it must not be visually polluted, sewers should not spill into the port, there must be the possibility for collection and disposal of oil, paints and chemicals, the port must be equipped with life jackets and first aid equipment, there must be lights, drinking water and toilets available on the docks.
Over the years Marina di Loano has obtained numerous awards. It has been indicated as one of the ten most beautiful marinas in the world by the ‘Yachting Pages’ magazine, it has obtained MaRINA Excellence 24 Plus certification, the ‘5 Rudders’ and ’50 Gold’ for the quality of the infrastructure and services from Rina to boaters. In the environmental field, it obtained, first in Italy, RINA’s ‘Green’ certification for environmental sustainability.